My name is Dean Hawker, owner, and founder of Hawker Digital.
What do I find so appealing about it? It’s the passive yet inviting nature of getting introduced to a potential client or customer. Digital Marketing puts you in a position to essentially reach out with a handshake to your targeted audience. They are already seeking your services; they just may have not known you exist yet.
Digital Marketing makes that introduction possible. I suppose it’s a polite way to build an opportunity to impress your audience.
My name is Dean Hawker, owner, and founder of Hawker Digital.
What do I find so appealing about it? It’s the passive yet inviting nature of getting introduced to a potential client or customer. Digital Marketing puts you in a position to essentially reach out with a handshake to your targeted audience. They are already seeking your services; they just may have not known you exist yet.
Digital Marketing makes that introduction possible. I suppose it’s a polite way to build an opportunity to impress your audience.
When I am not staying on top of marketing trends and industry changes, I am checking off my other daily activities which typically are reading, music, exercise, family, and one of my favorites, conversation.
Keep an eye on the Hawker Digital blog for my thoughts and feedback on topics well within and sometimes outside of Digital Marketing. Marketing, especially on the digital front is a profound mix of science and creativity. I share insights into not only Digital Marketing but business lessons learned as well as useful resources and even some personal insight into some of the things I find to make life a rich experience.
When I am not staying on top of marketing trends and industry changes, I am checking off my other daily activities which typically are reading, music, exercise, family, and one of my favorites, conversation.
Keep an eye on the Hawker Digital blog for my thoughts and feedback on topics well within and sometimes outside of Digital Marketing. Marketing, especially on the digital front is a profound mix of science and creativity. I share insights into not only Digital Marketing but business lessons learned as well as useful resources and even some personal insight into some of the things I find to make life a rich experience.